Vaccines. One of the most controversial topics among the parenting community! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and their own decisions for their children. I will share with you my opinion on this subject, and how my husband and I have come to the conclusions that we have, regarding vaccines and our son. I am not a doctor, nurse, or scientist...I am merely a loving mother who wants to make the best decisions she can for her son.
Just a couple days ago a friend of mine sent me an email stating that a few months ago she thought that parents that don't vaccinate their children are "nuts, misinformed and irresponsible." (She is now questioning that opinion, I think.) I think this is an all too common belief in our society. In fact, I have learned recently that if you actually talk to parents that have chosen not to vaccinate their children... those are the parents who have done lots of research on the topic!!!
I guess I'll start with our story and how I got to this moment where I am writing about this topic. I should start by telling you that our son, Kyle, has not had any adverse reactions to vaccinations. I don't have a super tragic or dramatic story to tell you - but I do have a story that I'm sure many share.
Our son received his first vaccine the day he was born. Hep B. There wasn't much discussion about it, it was just the automatic thing to do. As parents, as far as vaccinations go, we were going off the theory that, "everyone else is doing it, so we should too."
We had heard a couple people tell us before Kyle was born, "Do not vaccinate Kyle when he is born - those things are poison!" To be honest, I had not done much research on the subject, but deep down I knew this statement to be true. A gut feeling, I guess.
I knew that all of my girlfriends, friends, and family were vaccinating their kids, and the pediatrician didn't make me feel like there was much room for discussion. He (like most pediatricians) are trained to truly believe that vaccinations are good for kids. "Herd immunity." We like our pediatrician and feel that he truly does have the best interest at heart concerning Kyle's health. I did not question the doctors recommendation to vaccinate Kyle, because I trust his medical expertise (after all, that's what he went to school so many years for, right?) So, with little discussion (other than the warning of the "normal" reactions (fussiness, fever, etc.)) - I signed the pediatricians blue paper authorizing them to vaccinate Kyle. We had expressed a little concern about autism regarding vaccines, but were assured that there was very little risk for Kyle.
Kyle was at his two month well check, blue form signed, and needles in the nurses hand ready to go. It took everything in me to not scream "STOP!" at the top of my lungs, as she was reaching for Kyle with the needle. My husband held Kyle while the shots were being administered. I watched as she injected Kyle with 7 vaccinations (not that many needles, because some of them were combined). He was a trooper. He only cried for about 20 seconds and it was over. I was relieved that it was over - until the next well check that I knew was coming all too soon. I was also a little nervous because I didn't know how Kyle would react to all these shots in the days to come. Kyle had a mild reaction (compared to some). He was very sleepy, a little fussy, and a tiny bit constipated. But no fever, so that was good, we thought. All was "okay", until I had to sign that blue paper again at the next well check....and do it all over again.
Four month well check - big healthy baby - and time for more shots. Again, I signed the blue form, Josh held Kyle, and the nurse poked Kyle with the needles. Short bout of crying and it was over. I once again held in my urge to scream, "STOP!", going against my gut feeling as Kyle's mother. Reactions in Kyle were mild again, so I though, "Okay, I can do this." Kyle never got a fever from shots, so I thought we were doing alright. This continued, same routine for each well check appointment, until his 12 month.
Kyle's fussiness after each set of shots was increasing, and his cry started changing into a high pitched cry (different than his "normal" cry). His behavior in general was always different after his shots - but only in ways that his mommy and daddy would notice! It would take him up to 2 months to get back to his usual self...and by then it was always time for the next round of shots! This was frustrating to Josh and I. But, this was "normal" according to the doctor. We also noticed that Kyle was loosing what little "vocabulary" he had. Kyle was saying "ma,ma" at a very young age when he wanted me - much earlier than expected for the average baby. So, it was a little odd that he stopped saying "ma,ma". He points at everything, and wants us to say what it is. We thought it was cute. We have made excuses like, "he's just a late talker", or "he'll talk when he's ready." And maybe this is so - but there is something inside of me that wonders. That darn gut feeling again! He does understand everything we say, so I'm not too worried about it...and hope that he decides to talk soon.
12 month well check. 24 lbs., 32", healthy boy! Time for shots again, and this time they were adding a new set on top of all the others. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) The doc told us to watch for a rash that could show up anywhere from one to three weeks after the vaccination. This was a possible reaction to the MMR vaccination, but "not likely."
One week after Kyle's shots he broke out in a rash. Little red dots all over his body - looked just like measles! Kyle was very fussy, and his rash was getting worse. I got him in to see the pediatrician right away. The doc looked at Kyle's rash and told me that it was not from the vaccinations...even though the timing was "coincidental and questionable" (he even said that). He diagnosed Kyle with eczema. "Put lots of lotion on him (Eucerin), especially after bath time." And we were sent on our way.
I had asked the doctor more than once at the visit if he was sure it was not from the MMR shot, and he assured me it was just dry skin. This didn't sit well with me, since Kyle had never exhibited signs of eczema so far in his 12 months of life, and all of a sudden one week after the MMR, he has a horrible rash all over his body that looks like measles. (And we were supposed to keep our eyes open for a rash, remember?!) After a couple days of the rash getting worse I took him back to the doc...again. Kyle's pediatrician was not there that day, so his office partner saw Kyle. She said, "eczema", and we were sent on our way...again.
I bought Kyle a tub of Eucerin and we were slathering it on. There wasn't much change that Josh and I could notice with the use of the lotion.
As a side note (we'll get back to the rash in a second...)... Another thing that started after Kyle's set of 12 month vaccinations was constipation and irregular bowel. Up until Kyle's 12 month well check, he was having a bowel movement every day, same time, like clockwork. His bowel movements were nice and soft, just like they should be. Ever since his 12 month shots, he has had constipation on and off, and doesn't go like clockwork anymore. It's been a battle now for almost 3 months. He was eating solid foods before his 12 month check, so his diet isn't too much different than it was before. Of course we've added things to his menu, but nothing that should be backing up his system like that. In fact, we have been trying to give him lots of things to get his system going, and it's still been a challenge.
Getting back to the rash....
In about 3 or 4 weeks the rash was gone. I though this was very curious, since eczema is usually an ongoing problem for those that have it. Josh and I know it was not eczema. Kyle has had some normal dry skin, but nothing that has not been manageable with some lotion. A friend of mine was over visiting (maybe a day after we had gone to the pediatrician the first time to look at the rash). She used to be in the pharmaceutical business years ago. She took one look at Kyle's rash and said, "Beth, Kyle has live measles in his system! That is a measles rash!" My heart sank because she was saying what I knew deep down to be true.
I've looked at pictures of children with measles (on pro-vaccination websites), and that was what Kyle looked like. His rash looked like measles.
After the MMR shot (and others), it took Kyle about 2 months to get back to acting like "himself", which brings us to the present. Again, these are little things that only Josh and I would notice, but that is definitely something to pay attention to. Kyle is 14 months old, but will go in to see the pediatrician for his 15 month well check at the end of this month. Hep A is the vaccination that is scheduled for the 15 month well check.
It's been 14 months of secretly questioning the safety and necessity of Kyle's vaccinations. Every time he gets shots I pray every day that he will "bounce back" from them and be a healthy little boy. We've been lucky so far that he hasn't had any adverse reactions, such as autism, asthma, auto-immune disorders, allergies, the list goes on and on..... I know that I would simply die if one day I looked into the eyes of my sweet, happy, healthy, energetic, engaged little boy, and he wasn't there anymore! It is not a chance I think I can risk taking anymore.
Even though Kyle hasn't had any of what they call adverse reactions, it is obvious to Josh and I that Kyle is being affected by these shots, and we need to start listening to our gut instinct and stop doing what is easy! It is easy to go to the doc every couple months, get the required shots, and go home with the Tylenol bottle on the counter waiting (just in case). I know I am "just a mom", but it doesn't seem "normal" for my child to get sick every time he gets vaccinated, when he is otherwise a very healthy little boy!
I am now doing what I should have done over 14 months ago - before Kyle was born! Vaccination research and education. How can I make an educated decision on such an important topic, when I have done nothing to educate myself - other than to follow the "herd" and do what the state and pharmaceutical companies say I should do. I have spent the last 2 months reading and gathering information on this very controversial issue.
In a nut shell, we are putting toxic chemicals in our children every time they get a vaccination. Just to name a few, here are some of the things that are in our vaccines...aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol (a toxic chemical comparable to antifreeze), Ethylene glycol (antifreeze), antibiotics, and disinfectants. Also most vaccines are grown in either animal tissue, or aborted human fetal tissue, and all of the effects from this are not known. Really we don't know what toxins are in those vaccines that shouldn't be! These vaccinations are not as well regulated as the public thinks they are! We as parents go off of blind faith that the CDC, FDA, WHO, and our pediatricians, are leading us in the right direction. When really if you do some reading, case study after case study provides evidence that this is just not so! It is time to wake up and look at the history and studies that have been done regarding vaccinations. Do you really know what is in those vaccines?
As far as current events, how do you debate the rise in autism with the increased vaccination schedule, when they are a match? The people in power use this argument to sway the public, "It has not been proven yet that autism is directly linked to vaccinations." Are you kidding? Then why do some children "all of a sudden" become autistic after a series of vaccinations, when they were happy healthy children prior to those shots? I think autism is terrible, but is also overshadowing (in the news and such) so many of the other things that can happen to your child as a result of vaccinations that a lot of us (me included!) don't even think about ...but there are so many other lowered immune systems, asthma, arthritis, allergies, cancer, and the list goes on. These reactions are more likely to find your family, unfortunately. Autism is definitely a risk, but there are other risks to consider as well!
I am shocked at the information that I have come across regarding the very scary facts around vaccination and the companies that are set in place to make sure that these are safe and effective! The FDA and CDC have approved vaccinations that they knew had toxins in them, but did it anyway. That does not make me feel trustworthy of any of the do I, as the consumer (or even the pediatrician, for that matter), know if the vaccines Kyle is receiving are contaminated or not? I don't! Too risky in my opinion! Yes, I question the credibility of the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, CDC, and WHO organizations...why?....because of their history and practices that I do not feel have been appropriate. I will go into more detail about the actual vaccines, reactions, metals, ingredients, and how some vaccines are future entries....
Just like we have experienced with Kyle...many reactions are under reported! The pediatricians do not want to admit that there are reactions to these vaccines if they can avoid it. Why....? Money....! Vaccines and the pharmaceutical companies are one of our nations top money makers! It is sad, but true. If we all suddenly stopped vaccinating, what would happen to those companies....they would loose a lot of money! Another reason pediatricians push vaccines is so that they don't get sued. If they do not recommend the vaccinations (as the state mandates them to do, by the way), and your child comes down with one of these viruses, they can expect a law suit. However, if they recommend the vaccination just as they are required to, and your child has an adverse reaction to a can't do anything about it! The system is designed that way! There are people who sit on the board of the FDA and CDC (companies that are designed for the public's safety), who own stock in these pharmaceutical companies that produce the vaccines. That is a conflict of interest, and should not be allowed, but it is happening!
I have heard this expression, "If you decide not to vaccinate, it is safe for you to make that decision, because the majority do vaccinate." After doing some reading, this statement simply is not true! Vaccinated children are actually carriers of the virus, therefore, they can spread the disease to those who are susceptible! Almost all of the vaccinations do not give immunity for life. Several studies have shown that a larger percentage of vaccinated people actually catch the very diseases that they are vaccinated for, than the un-vaccinated community. Studies have found that un-vaccinated children have healthier immune systems than those who are vaccinated. Most of the diseases that we vaccinate for are very mild for children if they are to catch it naturally, and most of them often pass for a common cold! Why the scare tactics from our pediatricians and doctors? The question is, why do we really vaccinate...? $$$! That discussion is for another entry....
One of the rationalizations that us parents use for why we have to vaccinate our children is because of school and childcare. It is a misconception, really. People think it will be so hard for their kids to get into school, sports, or whatever. Josh and I bought into this rationale, why not, that's what everyone tells us. The reality is that all you have to do is sign an exemption form when you enroll your child, simple as that! Most states have vaccine exemptions (you'll have to check with your state). I know that in the state of Arizona there are two different vaccine exemptions that you can take. One is a religious exemption, and the other is a philosophical exemption. It isn't the big deal that it is made out to be. I think people are just not educated about their options!
At the end of this month Josh and I will take Kyle to his 15 month well check. I will NOT be signing that blue piece of paper, and I will finally say what I have said inside but not outside yet, "stop!" "Stop vaccinating my child, we are done putting toxins in Kyle's body!"
In Kyle's short one year of life, he has had about 29 vaccinations! What does any baby need that many vaccinations for? It's way too much! When I was a kid, the vaccine schedule was about 5 or 6 vaccines over the period of 5 or 6 years. That was it! What has happened in the last 30 years that supports such an increase in vaccinations? This is crazy! Look at the increase of diseases in this is not a coincidence! We are putting all these toxins into our little babies at such a young age...before their bodies can even tolerate them, and before their immune systems have a chance to even develop. Studies show that these vaccines are making our immune systems weaker, not stronger! We have an immune system for a reason, and it's to fight off unwanted diseases. I want Kyle to have a strong, healthy immune system for life. From what I have gathered so far, it does not appear that vaccines are in his favor when it comes to a healthy immune system for life. Why do we need booster shots...? Because these vaccines do not provide life long immunity. And every one of those shots is full of toxins and all kinds of added crap that in reality actually help break down our immune systems (and can cause other diseases long cancer, etc.). Sign me up! (Yeah right!)
I am learning that not vaccinating your kids is like being a part of a 'secret society.' It is taboo to not vaccinate. Why? People who choose not to vaccinate have obviously done a lot of research and decided that this is a healthier decision for their babies. Why would people take such a stand to do something 'against the norm' if it didn't mean a great deal to them? I am not one who takes confrontation well (just ask my husband), so for me to take a stand like this is a big deal! I am very passionate about this, and it is very important to our family. For our family, the risks of vaccinating are far greater than the benefits!
If you feel compelled, here is a book to get you started... Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective? By: Neil Z. Miller. I bought my copy from for $10. It is very short and to the point, with references in the back for you to cross-reference if you so desire. (This book was revised in 2009, so this is current information.) There is lots of information on the internet as well.
I am not scared anymore! I was so afraid of what everyone else would think of our family if we didn't vaccinate, that I didn't listen to that mommy voice inside that told me that vaccinations are not right for Kyle. After vaccinating Kyle for a year, we are now making the decision to stop vaccinating. We are making the decision that we feel is best for our little boy, and we are prepared to proudly stand by that decision. It is such an important decision, and I hope that my friends and family can stand by our decision, even if they don't agree! I urge you to do some might be as shocked as I was to find out the scary truth about vaccines!
Beth, you sound like a typical first time mom to me. I didn't know how to work with pain control during immunizations with either of my first two kids. Recent studies regarding pain and infants has revealed that if you hold your child in your arms while a painful procedure is being done, whether it be shots or blood draw, that they recover far quicker from the pain than the tradition method of being held down. I only bring this up because you may be solid on your decision about the immunizations (Lord help you), but you cannot expect to avoid all painful procedures in the course of Kyle's life.
ReplyDeleteI admire you for looking into a difficult subject as this is. I think you need to actually look at sources that are substantiated by fact and education though. The one book that you mention in your blog is written by a gentleman with a degree in psychology. Not an MD, not an OD, not an RN, not a PA, not an LVN, not even a Pharm Doc. He has no authority or appropriate education to make any statement regarding this subject. You also need to read up on appropriate child developement. The average boy will start talking (one or two words) around 15 months. Some, as late as 2 years. Regardless of what you may think or have researched, the people that die in this country from Measles, Mumps, Ruebella, Chicken Pox, Hep B, Tetanus, Rotovirus, Polio, Hib, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, Pneumococcus, and Small Pox, are the ones that DID NOT get vaccinated. It is horrible to see and even more horrible as a parent to know that you could have prevented this. PLEASE, (last time I'll say anything, I promise), PLEASE check your resources!
Also, check out this website:
ReplyDeleteWe DID hold Kyle every time he has his immunizations. Our problem wasn't pain management, our problem was his reactions to the shots! Thanks for the thought though.
While the author of that particular book is not an M.D., he does site every reference for where the information is coming from. It's not just "his opinion." I'm reading another book that is by an M.D., and she says at the beginning of the book that she is not ani-vaccine...that book is What Your Doctor Does Not Tell You About Children's Vaccines. You can see that one on my list of books to read. So far, I've concluded from this book that we are making the right decision.
While I don't expect Kyle to be talking right now, he was saying things that he stopped saying. Maybe that's normal, and he'll do it in his own time...but it just makes me question it, that's all.
The other reactions, the measles rash, bowel irregularity, behavior change, extreme fussiness, and his change in cry...are all valid things to be concerned about.
There are plenty of people who die from these diseases that have had the vaccination, and I'm sure plenty that have not. We are making the most educated decision for our little guy. We feel that the risks of the vaccines is greater than the risk of no having them. Sorry you disagree.
I did look at the website you referenced, and the pictures of the kids with measles is what Kyle looked like after his MMR shot. He got the rash 1 week after the shot.
We are definitely checking many different resources, and are confident in our decision, so far. But thank you for your concern.
Take care, and I send best wishes to your family. :)