Monday, November 16, 2009

Tooth #10

Yep, you heard me right...his 10th tooth is in today!  One right after another, like there's no tomorrow!  I wouldn't have even known that he got a new one today, he is SO good about it!!!  When I brush his teeth before bed, I make sure to get a good look around in there to see what's new.  Tonight, it was a new tooth looking at me!  :)

Last night I was "spying" on Josh reading to Kyle before bed.  The book had flowers on the page they were reading, and Kyle was leaning forward to smell the flowers.  He would sniff, and lean back, and then lean forward to sniff again.  It was SO CUTE!!!!  Every day gets more fun with this little guy!  :)  Kyle always stops to smell the flowers, as demonstrated with our roses in our backyard in the following picture.  :)


Tonight I asked Kyle what the duck says, and he responded with, "Ga, ga, ga, ga."  LOL  So stinking cute!  He really thought he was quacking...he'll get it down soon enough.  :)  He learns SO fast, and has new words and new "tricks" every day.  He "dances", which is him bouncing at the knees.  I can't help but giggle, it is so cute!  He likes to play "chase" with me, where we run around the house chasing each other (giggling the whole time of course), and we end up jumping on a big pillow on the floor in his bedroom.  We play "hide and seek", where I will act like he should chase me...I go in his room and say "where's mommy?"....and hide behind his door.  When he comes in I gently pop out and say "peek a boo".  Kyle laughs and runs away.  I try to be careful to not scare him, even though he laughs every time, sometimes I can tell that I startled him.  After about 3 times of me hiding behind his door today, he would come and look for me behind his door when I went hiding.  :)

Before bed tonight Kyle gave me butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses, and kisses on the mouth.  For his mouth kisses he puckers his lips in a fishy face and then pops them out so they make a kissing sound.  I can't help it...everything he does is the cutest thing I've ever seen!  :)

Kyle is all boy!!  He loves to play outside...especially in the rocks, dirt, and sand!  He has discovered in the last couple days that it is great fun to get handfuls of dirt, sand, or pebbles (whatever he can get his hands on, really), and throw them up in the air.  What a mess!  But, he has so much fun doing it.  :)  Today he was taking handfuls of pebbles and throwing them in the street.  He thought it was his mission in life to throw the rocks in the road...why I have no idea, but he would have done it for an hour I'm sure, if I had let him.  LOL  Needless to say, we never miss a bath in this house!  Ha, ha!

Motherhood is so exciting.  New adventures every day!  I have been a little under the weather the last couple days, and that is really the hardest part.  It's hard being sick when you have a little one to take care of and chase around.  There's no one to "call in sick" to, unfortunately.  But, I'm getting through it, and trying to have as much fun as I can in the process.  :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kyle's 9th Tooth Is Here!

Here's a picture of our silly boy playing first thing in the morning yesterday.  He makes me laugh!!!  These are his play construction goggles, obviously a little big for him.  LOL

Kyle is 15 months old, will be 16 months in another week or so.  His 9th tooth came in yesterday...another molar.  Ouch!  I was wondering why he was so cranky for a couple days, and he didn't poop for 3 days (he has been going every day, so 3 days is a long time).  Anyway, the tooth broke thru, and I'm glad we are past that one.  :)  It is on his bottom left side...not his very back molar, but the next one forward I think.  It's hard to get any amount of time to look in his mouth with all his wiggling around.  It's the tooth that matches the other molar (his 8th tooth) that came in a couple weeks ago, just on the other side of his mouth.

Josh took Kyle to the Little Gym today for his parent/child class.  I stayed home and took a nice long soak in a hot bubble bath.  Ahhhhhhhh.  It was nice to have an hour of peace and quiet in the house.  It's been a while!  Josh said they practiced somersaults on the "cheese mat", and doing a flip around the high bar.

Josh has been working two nights a week as a delivery guy for Black Jack Pizza.  So, on top of working all day, he spends two nights a week working as well.  Yuck!  Times are tough, so we are doing what we can.  It's hard on all of us.  Josh is exhausted from working so much, I am exhausted from taking care of Kyle 24/7 with no breaks, and Kyle is missing Daddy and family time.  But, I know we'll get through this, and in the end be stronger for having the experience.

We took Kyle to the park today so he could run around and burn off some of his energy.  That kid is quick these days!  Pretty much running!  Then we took him out this evening for our daily walk around the neighborhood in his blue car.  He LOVES this blue car...we definitely got our money's worth out of it!!!  So here's a cute picture of Kyle and Josh on our walk today.  I think Kyle is so cute with his hood on his head from his sweatshirt.  :)  (It was a little chilly out this evening, about 67 degrees-ish.)

Kyle has been expanding his vocabulary every day.  He says "ock" for clock, he is saying ma, ma and da, da a little more these days.  He is starting to give kisses a little more, which is cute.  He understands more words every day, even though he can't say them.  Today on our walk I asked him where the cactus was, and he pointed to a cactus.  :)  Smart kiddo!  He pointed to clouds in the sky when asked where the clouds were, and he still enjoys collecting rocks wherever he can find them.  He says "ock" for depending on the context, "ock" can either be rock or clock.  He points at trucks, and he says "uck".  Basically he is learning words with the first letter omitted.  The doctor said this is very common for kids his age when learning to talk.

 That's about all for now.  I'm still getting articles in my email about vaccinations in general, as well as the swine flu keep checking out the articles that are posted on the left menu bar.  :)

Till next time.....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cell Phones and Slides

Here's a story, and some advice...all in one!  :) 

Yesterday I took Kyle to the park to play.  It was a pretty nice day out (a little on the warm side), but Kyle says "out" all day long!  He just wants to play outside all the time.  So, we went to the park.

Anyway, I had just sent a couple text messages, and Kyle was climbing up on the play structure with me.  We got to the top where the big twirly slide goes down.  My cell phone was placed in my back jean pocket for safe keeping.  I didn't think anything of it, really.

About half way down the slide I hear, "bling a ling a ling", you know, the Verizon phone jingle.  I thought that was a little odd, it's a jingle that I've never heard on my phone before.  I looked at my phone after I got down the slide, and my picture background was gone, it was in some weird mode, and it said "no service".  What the heck?!!

All my contact phone numbers were gone, all my data was gone, and I couldn't send or receive text or phone calls.  I tried turning the phone off and on again.  It made no difference.  I tried taking the battery out and putting it back in, and that made no difference either.

So, today I took my phone to the Verizon store, hoping that they could help restore my phone and it's settings.  The guy played with the phone for a few minutes, and then said, "your phone is pretty much fried."  Great.  He said that the phone wasn't even recognizing itself, there was no serial number in it anymore, and it had "phone amnesia".  That's what the guy said, "phone amnesia".  Great!

Now I need a new phone, and I have to get phone numbers from all my friends and family all over again to put in my new phone when I get it.  Big pain, but oh well!

The moral of the story is: Don't go down a slide with your cell phone on you!  You could fry it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Little Gym Halloween Party 2009

On Halloween we took Kyle over to The Little Gym for a Halloween party from 2:30-4:30pm.  It was perfect timing for us, since Kyle goes to bed so early.  So, we were able to party, and still get him down by 6:30 PM.  :)  I know this entry is a little out of order by date, but I wanted to make sure that I got pictures up from the party.

Kyle had a lot of fun playing on the equipment and looking at all the costumes.  There was a little girl named Addison dressed like a cat, and Kyle went over and pet her like he does our cat!  LOL  It was so cute, and funny!  Open hand, gentle pet... I think he thought he was really petting a cat!  :)

They had a few games and snacks, but Kyle was more interested in climbing and running around this year.  Maybe next year he'll be into the games.  The staff put on a little presentation to Michael Jackson, with the main girl dancing and tumbling (dressed as Michael Jackson for Halloween).  It was a fun little show for the kids.  They had a door prize raffle, and Kyle won $10 family credit (to use towards his next session of classes).  Woo hoo!

Here are a few pictures from the party.  Enjoy!

Looks like a lion pose to me!

Walking the balance beam.

Up the "alphabet" rock wall...

...and down the slide on the other side!

Just so cute!

Happy little lion.

What baby doesn't love balloons?!!

Where's Kyle?


Second Hair Cut

Kyle got his second hair cut of his life today.  It was starting to hang down over his ears, so it was time.  We put him in his outside swing (just like his first hair cut), and it took probably 45 minutes or so to finish the task.  It's hard to cut hair on a moving object!  Josh did all the work, and I did the photo documentation and distraction.  :)  Here's how it went...

We started with scissors and a comb (like last time).

After a while, the shirt came off... still using scissors...

Then we got serious...Kyle's first time with a razor hair cut.  He thought it was great fun!

Daddy and Kyle - haircut complete!

Here's the finished product...

Good job Daddy!  :)


Yesterday Kyle learned how to spin all on his own.  :)  He stands in one place and turns around in circles...gets dizzy, and falls down.  Ha, ha!  It's very cute!  This is the first time he's ever tried to spin, and once he did it...there was no stopping him!