Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cell Phones and Slides

Here's a story, and some advice...all in one!  :) 

Yesterday I took Kyle to the park to play.  It was a pretty nice day out (a little on the warm side), but Kyle says "out" all day long!  He just wants to play outside all the time.  So, we went to the park.

Anyway, I had just sent a couple text messages, and Kyle was climbing up on the play structure with me.  We got to the top where the big twirly slide goes down.  My cell phone was placed in my back jean pocket for safe keeping.  I didn't think anything of it, really.

About half way down the slide I hear, "bling a ling a ling", you know, the Verizon phone jingle.  I thought that was a little odd, it's a jingle that I've never heard on my phone before.  I looked at my phone after I got down the slide, and my picture background was gone, it was in some weird mode, and it said "no service".  What the heck?!!

All my contact phone numbers were gone, all my data was gone, and I couldn't send or receive text or phone calls.  I tried turning the phone off and on again.  It made no difference.  I tried taking the battery out and putting it back in, and that made no difference either.

So, today I took my phone to the Verizon store, hoping that they could help restore my phone and it's settings.  The guy played with the phone for a few minutes, and then said, "your phone is pretty much fried."  Great.  He said that the phone wasn't even recognizing itself, there was no serial number in it anymore, and it had "phone amnesia".  That's what the guy said, "phone amnesia".  Great!

Now I need a new phone, and I have to get phone numbers from all my friends and family all over again to put in my new phone when I get it.  Big pain, but oh well!

The moral of the story is: Don't go down a slide with your cell phone on you!  You could fry it!

1 comment:

  1. So random, but good to know! This is why it is good to have friends who are already mommies, to teach me these life lessons! Love ya!
