Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kyle's 9th Tooth Is Here!

Here's a picture of our silly boy playing first thing in the morning yesterday.  He makes me laugh!!!  These are his play construction goggles, obviously a little big for him.  LOL

Kyle is 15 months old, will be 16 months in another week or so.  His 9th tooth came in yesterday...another molar.  Ouch!  I was wondering why he was so cranky for a couple days, and he didn't poop for 3 days (he has been going every day, so 3 days is a long time).  Anyway, the tooth broke thru, and I'm glad we are past that one.  :)  It is on his bottom left side...not his very back molar, but the next one forward I think.  It's hard to get any amount of time to look in his mouth with all his wiggling around.  It's the tooth that matches the other molar (his 8th tooth) that came in a couple weeks ago, just on the other side of his mouth.

Josh took Kyle to the Little Gym today for his parent/child class.  I stayed home and took a nice long soak in a hot bubble bath.  Ahhhhhhhh.  It was nice to have an hour of peace and quiet in the house.  It's been a while!  Josh said they practiced somersaults on the "cheese mat", and doing a flip around the high bar.

Josh has been working two nights a week as a delivery guy for Black Jack Pizza.  So, on top of working all day, he spends two nights a week working as well.  Yuck!  Times are tough, so we are doing what we can.  It's hard on all of us.  Josh is exhausted from working so much, I am exhausted from taking care of Kyle 24/7 with no breaks, and Kyle is missing Daddy and family time.  But, I know we'll get through this, and in the end be stronger for having the experience.

We took Kyle to the park today so he could run around and burn off some of his energy.  That kid is quick these days!  Pretty much running!  Then we took him out this evening for our daily walk around the neighborhood in his blue car.  He LOVES this blue car...we definitely got our money's worth out of it!!!  So here's a cute picture of Kyle and Josh on our walk today.  I think Kyle is so cute with his hood on his head from his sweatshirt.  :)  (It was a little chilly out this evening, about 67 degrees-ish.)

Kyle has been expanding his vocabulary every day.  He says "ock" for clock, he is saying ma, ma and da, da a little more these days.  He is starting to give kisses a little more, which is cute.  He understands more words every day, even though he can't say them.  Today on our walk I asked him where the cactus was, and he pointed to a cactus.  :)  Smart kiddo!  He pointed to clouds in the sky when asked where the clouds were, and he still enjoys collecting rocks wherever he can find them.  He says "ock" for depending on the context, "ock" can either be rock or clock.  He points at trucks, and he says "uck".  Basically he is learning words with the first letter omitted.  The doctor said this is very common for kids his age when learning to talk.

 That's about all for now.  I'm still getting articles in my email about vaccinations in general, as well as the swine flu keep checking out the articles that are posted on the left menu bar.  :)

Till next time.....

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